Friday, April 3, 2009


(1) the beauty of the mathematical formalism ("M") is so that sometimes when you are 
completely clueless  about the physical behaviour of the process, the "M" leads you on the way 
to unroll the mystery of the physical process, & then I admire calling it ("M")  as a natural 
science in itself, not just a tool. --rawat

(2) Matter-radiation Selection rules and Selection rules of Indian classical music shruti's. (An Analogy I will write in detail)

(4) Mind can sense much lower temperatures and much higher temperatures, which led us 
to think of thought experiments, which led humans to make experimental chambers to 
create those ambeinces to observe the q-effects associated with q-statistics, Human's surviving/living temperature range is not regarded by the nature to show its Q-beauty directly.
& Nature enjoys this sadistic pleausre. :) 

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